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Warlord of Galahir minis

Warlord of Galahir minis

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Undercoat time

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Now that the minis are clean and don’t have bendy swords it’s time to get on with undercoating.

As I am planning on speed painting these I am going for a white undercoat. The plan is to use Army Painter Quickshade and that gives the best result on lighter colours (I have found even a grey undercoat can cause problems).

So time to build a makeshift spraying booth…

Time to get spraying

Undercoat time

Some light nostalgia while waiting for drying between coats…

My first ever White Dwarf!

If I remember correctly you sent off a self addressed envelope as directed on the back of the Heroquest quest book and received a how to paint guide and then the back of that told you to send a pound or something to an address and you got sent the current issue of White Dwarf (times before the internet!)

Issue 152 (with the Space Hulk amiga game review)Issue 152 (with the Space Hulk amiga game review)

Sprayed and ready to begin! You may notice a piece from Zealot Miniature’s Twisting Catacombs Kickstarter in there as well

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