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Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

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‘Er We Go!

Tutoring 9
Skill 17
Idea 18
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Basic Kommando

First model is a basic Ork Kommando with Slugga and Choppa. Fig was converted from an Ork Nobz plastic figure as I wanted my kill team to look appropriately huge.

conversions include:

1) Adding a plasticard barrel extension and retractable shoulder stock to give the Slugga the appearance of a German MP40

2) replacement of the Axe blade with a horizontal plasticard blade to give the Choppa the appearance of an entrenching tool

3) green stuff field cap and pouches

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‘Eavy with Rokkit Launcha

The second is a heavy boy, armed with a Rocket Launcher. Conversions include:

1) Green Stuff wool cap and ammo pouches

2) silencer on Slugga, made from plasticard tube

3) Choppa converted into a Panzerfaust-style rocket launcher. I figured a panzerfaust would be close to the mobile, short range rocket launcher the Orks use.

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