Aeon Trespass Nymphys - Labyrinth, Solitude, and Night
Finished the solitude nymph?
To finish the solitude nymph I painted the “dead” nymph at her feet silver in the same way as the labyrinth nymph’s dagger. I then painted the clothes bronze and the hair gold.
For the bronze areas I painted a screaming bell base, washed reikland fleshshade and then highlighted with hashut copper and sycorax bronze. For the gold hair I used a base colour of retributor armour, a reikland fleshshade wash and then highlights of auric armour gold and liberator gold.
I left the rest of the base as it was (i.e. white with a green wash) as I felt it still looked neat and it tied the base in to the green’s of the nymph’s leaves.
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