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Scheme for the Norts!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The paint scheme that I’m trying for the Nort Officers and the troopers is as follows:

Boots – FoW Camo Black Brown with a  AP strong tone/FoW Brown wash

Base Uniform – FoW Camo Orange Ochre; AP strong tone/FoW Brown wash for shading, FoW green Ochre high light/dry brush

Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash

Gloves & Hood – FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash

Insigna and Goggles Lens – Fow Deep Yellow , Citadel ‘ardcoat for the goggles

O2 Tanks & Hoses- AP Cultist Robes, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash

the Officer also got a FoW Pure Red strip down the side of his pants


I think the paint scheme looks, ok,…… but I’m not sure about the basing yet. if anyone’s got a suggestion, drop it in the comments please.

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