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Cult of Games Member

@tuffyears Guard Kill Team is coming along really well. Nice pick with the red beret’s – Contrast suits the models nicely, and the colours you have gone for look really good. Hope you enjoy the show and survive the public transport OK…

@limburger I used to just use phone books for random names back in the day… that Online generator does look handy. Not sure to go about pronouncing some of the names for the more esoteric races…

@biggabum castle walls are printed – took some time to churn that lot out but got there eventually… The Killing Joke was a Batman story arc with some fairly major plot development. no spoilers but you can look it up on the interwebs if you are curious 🙂 Really nice work on the Tuitan – has a huge sense of momentum and gravity about the model.

@dawfydd look after yourself 🙁 One thing I will give 40k as far as the Sci Fi curve goes is that humanity did peakand get everything sorted, and then fell and are trying to drag themselves forward once more. If you can get past the grimdark then it is an interesting proposition. Sort of like the Battletech universe during the 4th succession war, only with the volume turned way up 🙂 I don’t really get Harry Potter either – think I’m just the wrong age for it. Apparently there is a stage show based on the IP on in melbourne – tickets were sold out for 6 months after a 3 days on sale, so someone must enjoy the franchise. I like the look of your Knight, I’m tempted to pick up a copy of the box set myself. Wow, so much priming…

@a27cromwell that’s a massive tonne of BA! And don’t stress re not feeling the need to play – there’s more than one way to hobby 🙂 I tool a hobby break of about 5 years a while back – all my Vallejo paints were fine when I pulled them from storage, all toe non-dropper bottle ones form other manufacturers I had to throw out. So needless to say I’m a fan even if only from that perspective.

@torros great BatRep – No idea about the rules set but the narrative and humorous write-up was very entertaining. Some really nice armies too – very well painted.

@mage the playthroughs for Sharp Practice are pretty entertaining. I’m hoping that the guys get to film a few more at some stage – they are all like watching a movie rather than a game. Ah yes, Empire armies… They always struggled against Nurgle… I got so sick of failing leadership tests and being unable to charge my opponents when I needed to that I went and bought a Slaanesh army just so it would all be immune to psychology. It was a stupidly quick army to play – mounted Daemonettes in 6th ed were light cavalry with a 10 inch base move, meaning they could be 20 inches down your opponents flank and ready to charge after their first turn. I took 2 blocks of those, a bunch of warhounds for screening, 2 blocks of knights, 2 chariots, a couple of spawn and a few really big infantry blocks for a bit of crunchy hitting power. There was no magic, psychology tests or shooting with that army, so I only had to do anything in 2 of the 5 game phases, moving (right up close and personal at the end of turn 1, charges away on turn 2 or 3 at the latest..) and combat (whee everything went terribly wrong and they all got cut to ribbons 😛 ) . Great fun.

I did snap a pic of the historicals but really there isn’t much to see – only a few token base colours on here and there. A mix of Perry and Warlord. 24 Voltigeurs (light infantry – the ones with the green shoulder patches), 12 skirmishing Voltigeurs (with the blue basecoat) and 96 regulars. Overkill for Sharp Practice quantity wise but will keep churning them out for use in mass battle games later on. Going to wash/AP dip the whole lot as I’m keen to get them on the tabletop fairly quickly.

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