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The Recon Team

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 3
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So, this is where I went away from my Souther paint scheme. I didn’t want the (Bronze-age not souther troops) Recon team to look like a cut & paste Souther scheme, I wanted a little bit difference so it could be noticed that, yes they were Southers, but they weren’t normal troops.

So I decided that I’d give them some camo. Instead of giving them a full camo uniform, I decided that they’d have camo smocks/shirts, a standard pants, then follow the Souther scheme where possible for the helmet’s, backpacks, webbing. the boots I tried something a little different.

Having had “issues” in the past with painting decent camo schemes, I went looking for a good tutorial for one. I found a great step by step guide for multi-cam on the Spectre mini’s website.

I changed their recipe to paints that I already had.

So My version for the Multi-cam shirts was (still following Spectre’s steps but with different paints) was:

Base – FoW Green Grey; Army painter Necrotic Flesh; FoW Reflective Green; FoW Camo Pale Brown; FoW Camo Black Brown; Army PAinter Drake Tooth; wash water down (1:1 mix) Game Colour Sepia Shade.

Pants  – FoW British Battledress.

Helmet & Backpack – FoW British Olive Drab.

Visors – AP Plate Mail with a green tone wash followed with a blue tone wash.

Hose – FoW Green Grey with a heavy black wash.

Weapons  – FoW Camo Black Brown + FoW Gun Metal + FoW Black (1:1 mix).

Gunsights, I did the same as the GI’s gunsights.

Boots  – Fow Camo Black Brown + FoW Camo Biege + Army painter Ash grey (1:1 mix) with a Game Colour Sepia Shade wash.

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