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Welcome to Nu-Earth greenie!

Welcome to Nu-Earth greenie!

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Finally an update addendum

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5

Now I have technically finished the GI’s, I’m progressing onto the Souther’s.

I will probably revisit the GI’s later to change the ORBAT after I have both the Norts & Souther’s sorted! ( Along with their respective ORBATs)


Unfortunately, I got into a painting groove over the weekend and forgot to take wip of the 2 MP’s, and (the Bronze-age not souther troopers mini’s) the Recon Team.


I’ll try to post those pic’s sometime this week.

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recon63tacticalgenius Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Wish i had joined this KS. I so remember the old RT comics. Such a cool world. Excellent work on the mini’s. Rogue would be proud as would the rest of the squad.

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