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Reply To: Inaccessibility of Historical Wargaming

Home Forums Historical Tabletop Game Discussions Inaccessibility of Historical Wargaming Reply To: Inaccessibility of Historical Wargaming



I don’t think this a specific to historical games thing, in relation to the points you raise @commodorerob.  In all gaming areas there is now a wide array of different rules set, published and fan made but there are a core of players that don’t want to try different systems or are more comfortable with the readily available games.  There are a variety of reasons I can see for that, some I understand others which puzzle me.

Which is why I think warlord and battlefront have had the success on spreading historical gaming as they have followed the gw model.  Starter sets, readily available minis, simple list construction.

As for the rivit counter thing, historic accuracy arguments etc is that really any different from thats not characterful, why aren’t you using this cookie cutter list, you are wrong if you take x arguments? To my mind its the same.

The other two points that I think have been covered are its a very wide church and some people don’t feel right gaming with real settings.  I used to be the same, to some extents I still am, still would field SS or game later than ww2.

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