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Cult of Games Member

I think this goes back to what I said early.

Screw where D Company of the 82nd Airborne was on D-Day+5. Just paint some Paras and throw some dice.

Sure once you’ve had a few games you can add the “History” into it but don’t think you have to have it all at the start.

How many people make “Accurate” Ultramarine Companies as their first 40K Army and only play games from campaigns in the Official Lore of 40K after reading half the Horus Heresy Novels? It’s about having fun.

That’s part of the reason I’m a huge fan of Sharp Practice/Muskets and Tomahawks. You can play things that did happen but didn’t if you know what I mean. Yes at one point during the French and Indian War some Indians with a Few French Regulars raided a farm in the Wilderness, we don’t need to know when/where we can just “Game in the Gaps” as our ever beloved overlord @warzan likes to do.

I agree with @piers don’t worry about “The Community” just Hobby and have fun and before long you’ll fit in where you fit in. Don’t worry about upsetting/disappointing/annoying/doing it wrong just paint minis and roll dice. Some guys like to build ultra accurate Army’s and only play games on Museum Quality tables, some people like to play Points Match games of Flames of War on gaming mats with books for hills.  Jump right in and do what works for you.

Stagger your entry, you don’t need to know it all right away. Here’s all the research you need for:

WWII: So these BAD GUYS called the GERMANS invaded a bunch of Countries so the Good Old US of A had to come over and kick their butts to save the world.

Napoleonics: So this guy called NAPOLEON was like totally running around starting all these fights so the British had to go into Spain for some reason and fight his General’s then even though they totally smashed him hardcore he came back for round two and got beat again.

American War of Independence: ‘MURICA F**K YEAH!!!

Ancients: We’re the Greeks/Romans and these other people are Savages that need Civilisation so we’re giving them the gift of Civilisation.

Apologies to the Historical Guys who just had brain aneurysms/screamed at their computers.

That’s where I started, then you slowly build on your foundation and before you know it you’re researching things for fun.

Now go paint some minis.

Now you can do more research eg. Audiobook while painting minis, a lot of podcasts or some great Youtube Channels. Then you can build on/revise your knowledge. Star with a Skirmish game like Bolt Action or Sharp Practice or Saga or any of the Osprey Games.

I think when people see the “Grognards” chatting about stuff they think that’s the norm when it’s not, most of us are very excited when someone new comes along since it means we can expand out own Hobby. That’s the vibe I’ve had in my group anyway.

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