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Ollie paints..... Star Wars Legion

Ollie paints..... Star Wars Legion

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Snowtroopers for Eejits

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 0
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So having painted the first unit, here’s my dummies guide to Snowtroopers. It’s by no means an award-winning method (aka quick and dirty!), but it’ll get your guys reasonably close to the original scheme and ready for the table top.

After priming (Halfords grey primer for me), begin by basecoating the mini in Vallejo Model Air Sand (Ivory) – see the pic of the 3 squads in an earlier entry.


Stage 2 - Heavily drybrush with Vallejo Model Colour Deck TanStage 2 - Heavily drybrush with Vallejo Model Colour Deck Tan
Stage 3 - Drybrush with Vallejo Model Colour IvoryStage 3 - Drybrush with Vallejo Model Colour Ivory
Stage 4 - Highlight the cloth areas with thinned IvoryStage 4 - Highlight the cloth areas with thinned Ivory
Stage 5 - Paint the armour sections with Vallejo Game Colour Ghost Grey. Paint the weapon(s) Vallejo Model Air Engine Grey (or any other dark grey). Finally wash the boots/lower leg with GW Gloss Agrax EarthshadeStage 5 - Paint the armour sections with Vallejo Game Colour Ghost Grey. Paint the weapon(s) Vallejo Model Air Engine Grey (or any other dark grey). Finally wash the boots/lower leg with GW Gloss Agrax Earthshade
Stage 6 - Wash the armour panels and weapons with GW Gloss Nuln OilStage 6 - Wash the armour panels and weapons with GW Gloss Nuln Oil
Stage 7+ - (and where I forgot to take some pics in between so apologies!). Go back over the armour panels with Ghost Grey, leaving the recess shading in place, then follow up the highlight areas with white. If necessary pick out the eye lenses some more with Black. Finally give the entire mini a coat of Satin varnish. As this is Hoth, I painted the base Ghost Grey and applied some Vallejo Ground Texture - Snow (Far better value for money that the GW alternatives)Stage 7+ - (and where I forgot to take some pics in between so apologies!). Go back over the armour panels with Ghost Grey, leaving the recess shading in place, then follow up the highlight areas with white. If necessary pick out the eye lenses some more with Black. Finally give the entire mini a coat of Satin varnish. As this is Hoth, I painted the base Ghost Grey and applied some Vallejo Ground Texture - Snow (Far better value for money that the GW alternatives)

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