Rainbow6's Dr Who minis
Sontarans Part Two
Step Five: Guns and Belts.
Paints Used: Vallejo Model Colour London Grey, Vallejo Model Colour German Grey.
The guns were painted London grey and the belts German Grey. Not much to say here except to apologise for the picture, didn’t realise that i’d focused on the back row rather than My prototype but you can still see the guns well enough!
Top Tip: Make sure to take multiple pics of each step in case one goes pear shaped!
Step Six: Wash
Paints used: Army Painter Dark Tone
Give it a coat of dark tone, ’nuff said.
Washes, I use them to cover many, many painting sins!
Step Seven Skin and Base base coat.
Paints Used Vallejo Model Colour Flat Earth, Vallejo Model Colour US Field Drab, Vallejo Model Colour Burnt Umber, Army Painter Strong Tone
Skin: Sontaran General Staal has the honour of going to battle helmetless. His skin is a 50:50 mix of Flat Earth and US Field drab. Once dry a coat of Strong tone is applied. Now I don’t have any pictures of this step because i’m a moron.
Base: The base is painted with Burnt Umber, once dry a coat of Strong tone is applied.
Step Eight: Base finishing touches
Snow: To make my snow I use some old GW Snow (Using snow to make snow, what will he think of next) and mix it with a load of PVA glue. This mix is then applied to the base. Once dry a coat of gloss varnish is used to make it look wet. Then I added some Army Painter Winter Tufts and Gamers Grass Lavender flower tufts. The base rim was then painted black
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