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Stranger JD

Stranger JD

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The Base:

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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With the primer fully dry I decided to start off on the base. I knew that I wanted to have mix of dirty concrete and steel so I started off by using a light coat of Citadel Typhus Corrosion to add a little texture to the otherwise quite smooth base. Once that was dry I used a base grey over the concrete areas. I then added some black to the base coat and using a piece of foam stippled this all over the base. Next up was to add white to the base grey to get a lighter mix and repeat the process so that I ended up with stippled effect all over the base.

The next step was use a black metal to paint the metal section which I then lightly highlighted with a silver. The gave everything the basic look I was going for but it was all still a little bit to clean so added some washes to everything to grunge it up before finishing off with some weather powders to blend things together and give what I hope is a more natural feel to things.

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