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Identifying, Updating, and Painting a Bucket of 90's Era 40K Orks with Lawnor

Identifying, Updating, and Painting a Bucket of 90's Era 40K Orks with Lawnor

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Please start at the other end

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 7

This project is about getting me some information, for now at least.  I have questions and they start at the start of the project.  Which is the end of the project log.  So please skip to the end so you can begin reading with all the information and questions in mind.

Thank you



Here’s my current thinking of what to make:

1-2 Weirdboys (From Weirdboy and perhaps Snakebite or minder) (40mm base?)

1 Big Mek woith Shokk Attack (40mm base)

1 Skorcha Wartrakk (Don’t know base size)

1  Watrakk with Twin big Shoota (Don’t know base size)

1 Warboss on Warbike (70 x 25mm oval base?)

27-28 Ork Boyz (25mm bases)

1 Flash Git Freebooter Warboss (40mm base?)

1 Warboss with powersword (From Bolko.  Not sure in rules) (40mm base?)

1 Runtherd (Was a minder or snakebite) and 11 runtz (25mm bases)


Hop Splat field gun & crew

2x Tinboyz


How does this look?  Any comments on my choices?  Might I want more Weirdboys?  I have a limited bits box but I might be able to do mods I haven’t thought of yet.  Please confirm or correct my base sizes and definitely fill in the blanks. I really don’t understand GWs attitude towards base sizes.  I’m a warmachine player and all this stuff is essential and clearly defined.


Update: 30/7/18 I just found this link to a 40K base size guide.  Theres no date on it and I only know DakkaDakka from their paint chart so I can’t guess to its accuracy.  Anyone care to comment?,000


Since this is 40k we are talking about, there are only 8 base sizes.

25mm Round (~1″) – Standard base for 40k, the round that comes with marines, guardsmen, etc.
32mm Round (~1 1/4″) – the “new” infantry base size.
40mm Round (~1.5″) – What I think of as a Terminator base. Used mostly for larger infantry.
50mm Round (~2″) – Relatively new base size, seems to be intended for very large infantry, most notable example are Space Marine Centurions.
60mm Round – Monsterous critter base, also used for dread’s.
30mm Clear Round – Small Flight Base (Often clear plastic)
55mm Clear Round – Large Flight Base (Often clear plastic)
25mm x 70mm Long Round end – Biker or Beast or Cavalry Base
90mm x 120mm Large Oval – With or withough flying stem for Valkyrie, Vendetta, Stormraven etc ie large flyers

Legend for below:
R – Round
CR – Clear Round
LR – Long Round
LO – Large Oval



40mm R: Boss, Big Mech, Weird Boy (Megaarmor or no)
Bike Base LR (70x25mm): Boss/Mech on Bike

25mm R: Mad Dok Grotsnik


25mm R: Nobs, Lootas, Kommandos, Burnas, Tankbustas
40mm R: Mega Nobs
Bike Base LR (70x25mm): Bikers

40mm R: Snikrot


25mm R: Shoota/Slugga Boyz (Including nob)
25mm R: Gretchin
25mm R: Runtherd

Fast Attack

Large Flight Base CR: Deffkopta
Bike Base LR (70x25mm): Bikers
25mm R: Storm Boyz (Including Nob)
40mm R: Zagstruk

Heavy Support

60mm R: Deff Dreads
60mm R: Killa Kans [2010 release]
No base: No bases for Big Gunz however, Grots are still on 25mm R
40mm R: Flash Gitz [2014 release]
40mm R: Captain Badrukk

Old Versions
25mm R: Flash Gitz
40mm R: Kill Kans [1999 release / metal]


If this is correct, then I have enough information to start work, once I clear off my paint station and order in the few bases I need.  I might still base the wartrakks as I prefer having a base.  I don’t like dragging painted models over a tabletop. This would mean I’d end up with 120mm x 92mm bases for my wartrakks. Or I have a pile of 35mm-ish bases I could use just to raise them up off the table?

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Cult of Games Member

Oh man, you’ve got some amazing stuff here! I’ve only skimmed over your posts and don’t have time to write a great deal now, but a few quick thoughts: The plastic orks you’ve got are virtually worthless. There must be billions of them floating around and they’re the wrong scale, wrong shape and too mono-posed for people to want to use them these days. GW is likely to be bringing out a new Ork Codex (source/rulebook) this year. They’ve been without one for quite a while now, but the point is, rules may change, old units may be reimagined or… Read more »

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