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Sculpting a Rouge Idol

Sculpting a Rouge Idol

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First steps

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 9

Hi there folks, today we will be sculpting our very own Rogue Idol


This is a project I wanted to start because I have a lot of painting going on right now and wanted something that I could use to take a break from painting but still progress the hobby too. So something that can be used in all the Destruction armies I have is the Rouge Idol.
From Forgeworld this will set us back £69, not too bad but I wanted to see what I could do with £10 of sculpting clay… and so a project was born


The first stages here are the legs, this is very early days so we just have rough shapes for the various rocks. When this has dried I will start to add in details like carving the straighter sides into the rocks and fill in areas with skulls, mushrooms and broken shields etc

I am using the amazing Forgeworld miniature as a reference for this but I’m not trying to imitate it exactly.


I quite like the idea of a mad goblin standing atop this beast



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teddymademedoitkevlin Recent comment authors
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This has crossed my mind a time or ten too. Looking forward to see the end result mate.

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