Burrows & Badgers - getting back to sculpting!
I started by getting all my tools ready. I use a fairly small number of tools; a chisel point Clay Shaper (size 0), a Zahle dental tool (commonly called a Wax carver No.5, or an SG dental), an old scalpel blade stuck to a lolly stick and a piece of bent wire stuck into an old paintbrush handle. These cover about 99% of my sculpting needs; but you can really use anything you like as a sculpting tool – if it makes the mark you are looking for, then use it! In terms of putties, I use mostly Polymeric Systems Kneadatite Yellow/Blue, more commonly known as Greenstuff, which is a two part epoxy putty, originally made for plumbers to fix pipes! I also use Brownstuff, from the same manufacturer, which is slightly less elastic and can be filed and sanded. I find Milliput to be useful as well, mostly for bulking out large pieces, or making weapons and bases.
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