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No one expects the Inquistion!  : An Inquisitorial Knights Army..

No one expects the Inquistion! : An Inquisitorial Knights Army..

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FreeBlade Paladin finished.. on to the next Inquisitorial Recruit.

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For this build, I wanted to go with a dark and aged look. The metal parts got the basic leadbelcher base and then I glazed it over and over and over with Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade. This drove it back to a dull, dark look with a hint of that golden bronze hue from the Agrax. It was a bit challenging to keep it from settling too much in the cracks but I got the desired effect. I just had to keep treating it as a glaze rather than a wash. The last step of the metallic parts was a dry brush series of dark then light grey.

For the Armor, I went with the black and gold theme. Most of the gold got several glaze layers of Agrax Earthshade to dull it down and darken it. I ended up masking the shoulder pads with liquid frisket to make painting easier. It let me spray down a brighter base coat which made it easier to get the metallic look I was after. Once I had that all done, a little bit of chipping here and there, and then the whole thing got a light spray mix of Vallejo Sand and US Drab to weather it a bit and give some dust effect. The panel lines got a highlight with the same US drab.

After that, I just gave it a pose as if it’s winding up to swing the Reaver Chain-Khopesh into the target off to the left.

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