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Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Kickstarter fatique…… Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……



We cover a lot of Kickstarter stuff because it’s very relevant to the industry at the moment and a lot of companies that would normally have released their content by traditional means (whatever that means nowadays) are using Kickstarter as the launch pad for their products.

However, I am fully aware that there are companies out there doing things the old way and traditional releases happening all the time – I just don’t get enough time in the day to cover them all. However, if anyone in the community does have some news that they think is worthy and has been missed then do as @avernos has done and private message me here on BoW with whatever you think is relevant and I will chase it up.

If I had my way I’d talk about small companies all day long and what weird new things they’re doing, but we also have to talk about the big folks doing their thing as a lot of people want to know what’s going on on that front.

Hopefully, in the near future, we will have our Kickstarter Blog back somewhere on the main page. With that in place, a lot of the Kickstarter coverage will shift back to there (as it did a few months ago) and the focus of the news will be back towards looking at what you’re hoping for.

I totally get and understand everything you’ve talked about, and I know you’re not ‘having a go’ as it were – I get Kickstarter fatigue as well – @phaidknott and will be endeavouring to find new ways to share the news.

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