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The stat cards.

These cards will be personalised to fit the themes of the various agencies but for now they are two identical teams. Starting at the top of the card and working my way down there is the name of the character followed by it’s ‘class’. The ‘class’ keyword is used in deployment and reinforcement.

The bar code: the bar code next to the image (which is currently empty) can be scanned by the app which will track your departments budget and is the medium through which players hack each others operators.

The picture: This is where a cool cyberpunk picture will go. the ones I’ve  uploaded are blank, I’m sure y’all can imagine a cool hacker type agent hanging out in there.

The Triangle: This triangle determines the stats of your character. the three stats are the title of the game mind, body and soul. Actions for dice pools based on combined stats. Downloading combines mind and body, shooting is body and soul, fighting is soul and mind. Whilst these numbers are low and at first look like they would create little variation is the pools the game uses a d4 system which makes these low stats much spikier.

Weapon Slots: Each card has two weapon slots. there are two types of weapons, ones that you hold and ones you plug into yourself. A two handed weapon token will span across both slots whilst pistols, knives and equipment will only take up a single space. the weapon token system will be explained in a future post. It’s currently being refined so i should have something soon.

Tokens and DiceTokens and Dice

Tokens: Each token is two sided, they have a stationary side and a momentum side. whenever your guy activates you place the appropriate token on its character cards, these tokens act as modifiers to shooting. for example, if a dude has just run three times he has three momentum tokens. so when I shoot at him it’ll need three extra hits to get the bugger.

Dice: the d4’s only have one hit side. currently it’s any dice without the error side visible but that’l probably change because unless your standing looking down on your dice (which is cool) it can be a bit hard to read at times.

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