Manda’s (Amachan) Project: Tree
Recommendations: 70
About the Project
In this project I'm going to build a tree, but not just any tree, a very special Justin mind melding tree. After watching the Weekender XLBS of the 8th of July 2018 I was inspired to make this tree, so this is it.
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is On Hold
Starting on the Trunk
I made a bit more progress on this fantasy tree I started like last year or so. I covered the base and started to work on the trunk with some DAS clay today. This is going to be a low priority progress and I’ll only work on it when I need to do something with my hands and I can’t paint.
On Hold
This project has been put on hold due to other projects taking priority at the moment.
A Base.
I glued the tree onto a card base. I really wanted to make sure the glue sets well before I start continuing work on it, so that is all I did. The glue also holds the tree into shape and spread out the legs a bit more. Next up, I was planning on using greenstuff, but I decided to use the DAS modelling clay for it. It works well and the tree has a structure to hold it together, so I think that’ll be fine.
The Frame is Done
I’ve woven more paperclips in the top to make the branches on top of the tree and twisted some more florists wire in there for more branches. On the bottom I kind of flattened it out so it can stand and with that I think the frame for the tree is done.
Some Success
For attempt #4 I decided to make struts as a base to work around from paperclips. I started out with 4, but it grew to 7 before it was done.
With those made, I started to weave the florists wire in between the paperclips to hold it together and form the frame of the tree. It’s not even or perfect, but neither are trees so it will do. Next up is making the branches for the top of the tree and then greenstuffing it up.
Failure #3
Too much florist wire becomes confusing and entangled and I’m clumsy.
Failure #2
Superglue and activator is a fail too, it just won’t hold when twisting other bits together. Tomorrow I will have a look at buying some wire that is more easily malleable to do this. Paperclips is a no.
Failure #1
Twisting paperclips and trying to keep them in place is harder than I thought. I still want to make it for about 28mm scale and this was just getting too big.
The Tree!
In this project I’m going to build a tree, but not just any tree, a very special Justin mind melding tree. After watching the Weekender XLBS of today I was inspired to make this tree, so this is it.
I basically decided to make this tree since I can’t paint due to the heat and have absolutely no other hobby things left to do that do not require paint at the moment.