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Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Kickstarter fatique…… Reply To: Kickstarter fatique……


Cult of Games Member

…perhaps if you read into the original post, you’ll see what I’m asking is “when” something is news or not. Again I’m not advocating an complete embargo on all news about all things KS. Rather that a balance needs to be struck, and that things seem to be driven too much by KS schemes (and the marketing), when “old” style news from companies that produce a steady stream of products are being missed.

There’s only so much time (and front page space) for the team at BoW to do their thing. Perhaps as this discussion keeps arising then there IS a reason for it to do so? It’s not just BoW, but almost all the other mini news sites that offer a broad coverage of games that have had this happen to their news streams. News of a KS going live IS news, news of a KS 6 month to a year down the line is certainly a good topic here in the forums (but is it front page news, when there is so much other news to feature given the time and space constraints?).


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