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Age of Sigmar 2.0

Age of Sigmar 2.0

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Hobby Night Live Post Two!

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Another amazing stream, so much fun and fascinating conversation. The painting competition was awesome, and hearing the thoughts of the judges as well as seeing the fabulous miniatures was fascinating. I do think it’s a shame we didn’t see more hobby, as I think one of the best things about HNL is the feeling of hanging out with everyone in the community and at BoW HQ, as everyone shares their projects. So I think it was difficult to find enough air-time, even in such a long stream, to cover both areas. Still, I am sure we will get another HNL before too long, and we can all share some more hobby.


I am always impressed with how fast people can get stuff down over an evening. @ajhawes and I were not quite so fast. Much as I feel like I am progressing through the Nighthaunts quickly overall, tonight I managed to just do the basic stages of a batch paint on the remaining Chainrasps and their Dreadwarden leader.

Nighthaunt Progress during HNLNighthaunt Progress during HNL
Stormcast Progress during HNLStormcast Progress during HNL

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