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Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

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The first of a new generation...

Tutoring 5
Skill 10
Idea 9

As said before I started with my first prototype. A single Intercessor with that new Boltgun. Mostly this should be a proof of concept that the zenithing and the self printed decals would word on it. And to my suprise: it did!


The first of a new generation...
The first of a new generation...

I am quite happy with the decals. Although my printer doesn’t have the greatest resolution. I used white decal paper and not clear one as my printer can’t print white. The paper is specialized for a laser printer is like 2€ for an A4 sheet. More than enough for an entire company of marines. To get the decals on the round surface I used Decal Sol and Decal Set from Microscale Industries. This stuff works wonders for decals.

I am ok with the zenithing method. It looks a bit weird on large photographs due to the sprackled nature of the rattle can. But from like 20cm away this blends in and look amazing.

So next up should be rest of the 5 man squad.

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captainventanusBothi Recent comment authors
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If you had never tried the technique, have no airbrush and went for white then this is all the more impressive. Frankly my airbrushed white at the moment looks worse.

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