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Finally painting my mini's from the Rogue Trooper KS. miniatures from mongoose publishing/warlord
Related Genre: Science Fiction
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Update Norts - Naval Assault team/ the Vroogmen
The Assualt squad I have decided to take a different look. I have decided to make them look like the Nort Navy Assualt/Vrogman teams. the closest image I could find as a reference is from the Rogue Trooper game.
The colour scheme as follows
Boots – AP Field grey with AP Strong tone & water 1:1 wash
Base Uniform –AP Griffin Blue & AP Blue tone for the recesses
Armour – AP Hardened Carapace
Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash
Gloves & O2 Tank & Hosing– FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash
Hood – AP Griffin Blue, AP Blue Tone, & AP Fog Grey dry brush
Insigna – FoW Deep Yellow , FoW Black
Googles – FoW Black & FoW Black wash 1:1 mix, with AP Toxic Mist for the lens
Update Norts - The Kashan Legion
The last infantry squad I have painted as as the Kashan Legion (Vet Infantry)
Boots – FoW Camo Black Brown with a AP strong tone/FoW Brown wash
Base Uniform – FoW Pure Red
Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash
Gloves & O2 Tank & Hosing– FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash
Hood – FoW Deep Yellow, with 1:1 mix of FoW Black & FoW Black wash for the striping
Googles – AP Royal Cloak
Insigna and Goggles Lens – FoW Deep Yellow , FoW Black
I must admit the yellow hoods almost had this squad launched into the bin several times, as I difficulty thinning the yellow and it just wasnt sttling as well as I wish…. but, it’ll do. from a normal table top distance, it does look good,…I think??
The most annoying thing I found , apart from those bloody yellow hoods, was painting the insignia on the shoulders, but they look better with it than without it.
Update Norts
So , its been a while since I last updated this project. I managed to get a bit of painting done this weekend, although I have deviated from my plan in the last entry.
So I finished 2 full squads of Nort infantry along with an officer with a cap. These did follow the paint scheme that I originally stated I was using for all the Nort infantry.
Gallery Shot
the Officer
The Infantry squads
The next are WIP from 1 Infantry squad and the Assault squad.
The last infantry squad I decided to do as the Kashan Legion (Vet Infantry) which was the scheme I was going to use for the assualt squad.
Boots – FoW Camo Black Brown with a AP strong tone/FoW Brown wash
Base Uniform – FoW Pure Red
Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash
Gloves & O2 Tank & Hosing– FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash
Hood – FoW Deep Yellow
Insigna and Goggles Lens – FoW Deep Yellow , FoW Black
As I said WIP. I’ll know if this works when I finish them later either this weekend/ week.
The Assualt squad I have decided to take a different look. I have decided to make them look like the Nort Navy Assualt/Vrogman teams. the closest image I could find as a reference is from the Rogue Trooper game.
The colour scheme I will probably be using will be as follows, but I’ll update as I test and adjust it to what works for me…
Boots – a dark grey, not sure yet
Base Uniform –AP Griffin Blue
Armour – ?? AP Hardened Carapace – not sure, will have to test this
Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash
Gloves & O2 Tank & Hosing– FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash
Hood – a dark grey with maybe a blue tint
Insigna and Goggles Lens – FoW Deep Yellow , FoW Black
Pausing for a thought
now with the below listed mini’s I have a general idea for using either the base scheme, of a variation. the base troopers the officers and the heavy MG teams will all get what I listed as the main scheme. which I took the idea from image 2
the Assault team, I want to do something similar to image 1,
the Snipers (the team and the Black Dome/Master sniper) I was using this as inspiration, but I’m not sold yet. image 3
My idea for Grand Admiral Hoffa see image 4
Any suggestions would be welcome
the rest of the NordLand forces
Assault troops
the Nort Heavy MG teams
the Nort Automatic Pillboxes ( I still need weapons for most of these) and O2 resupply units
Base Coating the troops
using the test paint scheme, I’ve cracked on with getting the base uniform and boots down on the regular troopers. there’s 24 of these guys so, I want the scheme right before I have to strip them & redo them if I change my mind/come up with a better colour scheme. Ialso base coloured another officer and the trooper with the Flag for the Greater Nordland army
Scheme for the Norts!
The paint scheme that I’m trying for the Nort Officers and the troopers is as follows:
Boots – FoW Camo Black Brown with a AP strong tone/FoW Brown wash
Base Uniform – FoW Camo Orange Ochre; AP strong tone/FoW Brown wash for shading, FoW green Ochre high light/dry brush
Webbing & Straps – FoW Camp Medium Brown, AP strong tone wash
Gloves & Hood – FoW Green grey, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash
Insigna and Goggles Lens – Fow Deep Yellow , Citadel ‘ardcoat for the goggles
O2 Tanks & Hoses- AP Cultist Robes, with watery (1:1) FoW black wash
the Officer also got a FoW Pure Red strip down the side of his pants
I think the paint scheme looks, ok,…… but I’m not sure about the basing yet. if anyone’s got a suggestion, drop it in the comments please.
For NortLand !!!!
Right, thought I’d post the pic’s of the remaining mini’s left to paint, being the Norts, (Well Rogue, the GI’s, and the Southers DO need someone to fight).
I’ll list what is left, but I’ll start with the test mini’s.
Test Nort Trooper
Test Nort Officer
Addendum for the Project (Pausing for a breath)
So that’s the GI’s and the Southers in general are finished now. I may revisit the Southers to pick out some details/put some colours on the backpacks at some point. Not sure about this yet. If anyone has any suggestions regarding this, please drop a comment.
I do have a couple of vehicles I am thinking of including for both the Norts, Southers, and possible a drop pod for the GI’s, but have not decided yet whether or not to add this into the project.
From my point, the next stop is to start the Norts. This consists of:
24 troopers
8 assault troopers
6 snipers
1 master sniper
7 officers/characters
3 heavy mg teams (Bronze-age, not Norts)
8 automatic Pillbox turrets.
Now I have a couple of issues with the above list. (Not including that’s a shit load of painting to get stuck into. I usually only paint a couple of minis every now and then)
- I accidentally lost the weapon sprues for the automatic Pillbox turrets, so I’m currently trying to source some replacements. This could take some time, as if I cannot source replacements, I’ll have to attempt to scratch built some. ( This could be a problem for me).
- Colour scheme for the automatic Pillbox turrets. Not sure how to paint these buggers, …….. yet!
- Of the 7 officers/characters, a couple will require a “bit” of conversion work, and all the mini’s are metals…….. so time factor here.
- I need to make a Nort Flag with battle honors on it (not a fleeg, Llyod). Photoshop & me do not play nicely at all………
- I need to find/come up with a camo scheme for the snipers. Not sure of how I want them to look yet. I’ll wait till I have a test piece done for the Nort troopers then see if that helps me to decide.
So I may take a couple of days break before posting again…….but I’m not gonna promise.
The Traitor General !
I know that I could (technically) put this guy in with the Norts, he is a Souther General, so…..,
TG was a great deal of fun to do. I wanted a scheme that was similar to the Southers, but with some colours that would lean more towards the Norts.
Uniform FoW Green grey.
Boots – FoW Red Leather with dark tone wash.
Helmet & Backpack – British olive drab with green tone wash. With some spot colours.
Visor on Helmet – AP Ash Grey base, FoW pure red over the top, citadel ‘ardcoat.
Armour – FoW Reflective Green, with a watery black wash.
Weapon – dark grey base, heavy black wash, FoW Gun Metal dry brush.
Skin tone – FoW Flat Flesh base, AP Barbarian flesh hights, and some AP Purple tone wash to pick out edges of burnt flesh. FoW for the destroyed eye
Webbing – FoW Khaki grey with AP strong tone wash
The Recon Team
So, this is where I went away from my Souther paint scheme. I didn’t want the (Bronze-age not souther troops) Recon team to look like a cut & paste Souther scheme, I wanted a little bit difference so it could be noticed that, yes they were Southers, but they weren’t normal troops.
So I decided that I’d give them some camo. Instead of giving them a full camo uniform, I decided that they’d have camo smocks/shirts, a standard pants, then follow the Souther scheme where possible for the helmet’s, backpacks, webbing. the boots I tried something a little different.
Having had “issues” in the past with painting decent camo schemes, I went looking for a good tutorial for one. I found a great step by step guide for multi-cam on the Spectre mini’s website.
I changed their recipe to paints that I already had.
So My version for the Multi-cam shirts was (still following Spectre’s steps but with different paints) was:
Base – FoW Green Grey; Army painter Necrotic Flesh; FoW Reflective Green; FoW Camo Pale Brown; FoW Camo Black Brown; Army PAinter Drake Tooth; wash water down (1:1 mix) Game Colour Sepia Shade.
Pants – FoW British Battledress.
Helmet & Backpack – FoW British Olive Drab.
Visors – AP Plate Mail with a green tone wash followed with a blue tone wash.
Hose – FoW Green Grey with a heavy black wash.
Weapons – FoW Camo Black Brown + FoW Gun Metal + FoW Black (1:1 mix).
Gunsights, I did the same as the GI’s gunsights.
Boots – Fow Camo Black Brown + FoW Camo Biege + Army painter Ash grey (1:1 mix) with a Game Colour Sepia Shade wash.
The Boys from Charlie Company Part 2b
So the paint scheme for the Southers has not changed from the previous entry, but I’ll post it anyways.
Armour – FoW – British Olive drab.
Pouches – FoW – Khaki with a dark/strong tone wash
Weapons – FoW – gun metal, black wash, and a grey drybrush.
Visors – Army Painter – plate mail, with a green tone wash.
Air Hose – FoW black, with British Olive dab on the rings, and a green tone wash over the olive drab.
Here’s the DFSW (Direct Fire Support Weapons) Section from Charlie Company, which consists of 3 Lazookas & 3 Loaders
The Boys from Charlie Company Part 2a
So the paint scheme for the Southers has not changed from the previous entry, but I’ll post it anyways.
Armour – FoW – British Olive drab.
Pouches – FoW – Khaki with a dark/strong tone wash
Weapons – FoW – gun metal, black wash, and a grey drybrush.
Visors – Army Painter – plate mail, with a green tone wash.
Air Hose – FoW black, with British Olive dab on the rings, and a green tone wash over the olive drab.
Here’s the DFSW (Direct Fire Support Weapons) Section from Charlie Company, which consists of 3 Lazookas & 3 Loaders
The Boys from Charlie Company Part 1
The Souther troops I’ll have to list in a couple of entries as it just shat itself when I just tried to up load them all at once in 1 post.
So the paint scheme for the Southers has not changed from the previous entry, but I’ll post it anyways.
Armour – FoW – British Olive drab.
Pouches – FoW – Khaki with a dark/strong tone wash
Weapons – FoW – gun metal, black wash, and a grey drybrush.
Visors – Army Painter – plate mail, with a green tone wash.
Air Hose – FoW black, with British Olive dab on the rings, and a green tone wash over the olive drab.
With the infantry, I have 2 x 8man sections that are identical with 1 NCO & 1 Lazooka in them. So I’ll use the doubles to do a front/back picture.
And Yes I just noticed the 2 SGTs look like they are holding hands or doing a “fist bump”.
The Souther Officers, Present.......Arms !!
These 3 officer mini’s were virtually the same as the 2 test mini’s as the colour range.
Armour – FoW – British Olive drab.
Pouches – FoW – Khaki with a dark/strong tone wash
Weapons – FoW – gun metal, black wash, and a grey drybrush.
Visors – Army Painter – plate mail, with a green tone wash.
Air Hose – FoW black, with British Olive dab on the rings, and a green tone wash over the olive drab.
The “power sword/stun baton” was a mix of army painter gun metal & plate mail with a very watery blue tone wash. For this guy’s anti-flash visor, I used army painter plate mail with a green tone wash then citadel ‘ardcoat over that. didn’t come out that bad i thought.
The red on the bi-nox was Army painter ash grey base, FoW pure red over the top, then a citadel ‘ardcoat over the top. the effect was better then I’d hope for. Not sure if the pic’s do it justice.
With the sword guy and the pointing guy, one will be attached to the Infantry platoon, and the other will probably be with the recon team. Bi-nox will more than likely be with the DFSW (Direct Fire Support Weapons) Lazooka section. I know that I have not named the officers, but as yet they haven’t really survived a test game to be worthy of being named.
Lookout!! It's the Milli-Fuzz
My first two test mini’s I did for the Souther’s, evolved into 2 MP’s or Milli-Fuzz.
Armour – FoW – British Olive drab.
Pouches – FoW – Khaki with a soft/strong tone wash
Weapons – FoW – gun metal, black wash, and a grey drybrush.
Visors – Army Painter – plate mail, with a green tone wash.
Air Hose – FoW black, with British Olive dab on the rings, and a green tone wash over the olive drab
Insigna (I have only done this on the 2 test mini’s. I doubt I’ll do the rest of the Souther’s…) FoW – Pure red circle, with a Black arrow and 1/2 circle bottom.
For the MP markings on the helmets, I stole the MP transfer from a American Transfer sheet I found on my painting desk. I know it looks a bit shiny, I’ll blast it with a bit a anti-shine later.
(I wish there were transfers for the Nort & Souther insignas instead of having to hand paint them. Yes I know, I’m a lazy painter……meh!)
GO South Side Yeah! Remember the Scheme's the thing!
As I said earlier, I got into that painting groove, and forgot to take WIP of the Souther’s I painted. I didn’t just finish a couple of them. I finished all 30+ mini’s I had for the “Gents” of the Southern Cross Confederacy. “Gents” is what the GI’s call the normal Souther troops.
mini’s will list soon
Finally an update addendum
Now I have technically finished the GI’s, I’m progressing onto the Souther’s.
I will probably revisit the GI’s later to change the ORBAT after I have both the Norts & Souther’s sorted! ( Along with their respective ORBATs)
Unfortunately, I got into a painting groove over the weekend and forgot to take wip of the 2 MP’s, and (the Bronze-age not souther troopers mini’s) the Recon Team.
I’ll try to post those pic’s sometime this week.
Finally an update ( part 2)
Here’s the rest of the pic’s. with both Shrapnell and the wounded/objective marker I had a go at trying to get their wounds stand out a little more.
Shrapnell has facial injuries to the left side of his face, a wound that covers his entire area of his right ear, and abdominal scaring (unfortunately that is hidden by the positioning of his weapon.
For the wounded/objective marker, I tried something different. when I was trying to position him originally, the mini began to “tear” across the abdominal area. So I thought why not make him wounded. So as has been noted by the BoW team yes he has a major abdominal wound, but he also has frag injuries to his left arm, and ahead injury to the right side of his face/skull I not sure how well this shows up in the pic’s but I tried.
As Lance pointed out on a hobby Wednesday a while ago, the red line coming from the wounded marker’s mouth was not a “Joker type smile”, but I was trying to create a blood trickle from his mouth. I have re-touched this to try to make it a bit more like a blood trickle……… I hope
Shrapnell (1-3), Wounded (4-6)
Finally an update (part 1)
So, after dealing with some personal issues, I’m back in the painting frame of mind again. .
So I have finished detailing the SGT, Sharpnell, Wildman, & the wounded/objective marker. these are now to the same standard as the rest of the GI’s. Yes I know I have not based them. I’ll be basing the GI’s, Southers & the Norts at the same time when I finish painting. So you could say I am now 1/3 of the way through this project.