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Bolt Action Home Guard

Bolt Action Home Guard

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Dad's Army Unit - Fleshing it out!!

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 0
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With the uniform and webbing complete, it was time to move on to the flesh. I started with a basecoat of Elf Fleshtone because lets face it us Brits are a pasty lot 🙂

The initial mix was fairly watered down as I didnt want to lose any of the detail so it took a couple of coats to fully cover. Mix was a ratio of 1:2 paint/water.

With that completed, I moved on to giving the flesh a wash and turned to the trusty Reikland Fleshtone, again watered down with a ratio of 1:3 wash/water.

I again went over the skin a couple of times to ensure that I’d created the effect I wanted.

Dad's Army Unit - Fleshing it out!!

Once this had dried it was back to Elf Fleshtone for some final highlights on areas such as the nose, cheeks and knuckles just to add a bit of depth and voila – flesh was done. Next update will be all about the details to finish them off 🙂

Apologies for the quality of the pics – using a camera phone plus daylight lamp so the detail isn’t fantastic.

Dad's Army Unit - Fleshing it out!!

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