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Bolt Action Home Guard

Bolt Action Home Guard

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Tutoring 4
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Idea 4
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To finish off the vehicles, I’ve had to do something that I haven’t done for some time and that’s to add some decals.

I was using the decals that came with the Warlord kit. Again, turning to google, I found a really good resource for British Army Markings.


Using this guide for my Vickers and Beaverette, I was a tad disappointed that I didn’t have a 44 in my decals which would have been for my Beaverette to indicated Armored Car Regiment so I had to go with a 45. Now I’m not a rivet counter so I decided to opt for the rule of cool and add the 45 onto the vehicle.


So with decals after the initial application you are usually left with quite shiny area which tends to jar with the weathered look of the model. An easy fix is, once dry, run some matt varnish over the decal, wait to dry and then run the wash that you have used over the decal. This just removes a lot of the shine and also the edge that you might see to the decal after initial application. Turned out ok, see pic below


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