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Continuous Efforts in the war against the rebellion

Continuous Efforts in the war against the rebellion

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Project Blog by sundancer Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 2

About the Project

My third Star Wars: Legion game. My first game at full 800 points and my first win.

This Project is Completed

First catch of the day.

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 2

So I had my fist battle at 800 points and finally did really win a match. In 20 years of tabletop wargaming that is a first to me. (Seriously, I can’t recall ever to have really won a match.)

I blame some factors for this.

  • Setting up forces. The Rebel player had a slight error of thought so that one of his AT-RT couldn’t move. Action lost.
  • Rebel player moving troop units into range for Lord Darth Vader. Vader killed on Unit, decimated another one and send two troops into panic (Master of Evil) leading to one unit running of the table and another one trying to run (being killed by Speederbike later)
  • Dice luck. Never have I seen so much negative dice luck on my opponent. Usually I am the one missing all shots but this time I was lucky. (Exampel: 40 shots fired at Vader. 4 wounds.)

See some (blurry, sorry) photos down below.

Edit: second try posting. First post got swallowed somehow.

2nd edit: just text posting worked. Adding 9 Images didn’t. Trying one bye one.

3rd edit: nope. Neither Gallery nor multiple single pictures work. I guess to much load? I’ll use reduced Images for the next try.

First catch of the day.

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