Fully Rigging a Blood & Plunder Sloop
I made quite a few changes to the masts provided to me by Firelock. The first thing i did was I added a piece of wood to the top of the mast. This piece was pinned and glue to the top of the old mast so that it it would stay. I used plasticard to create the pieces that the fighting top would rest on. These pieces where glued and pinned as well.
In the first picture there are three masts shown. The one in the middle is for this sloop. The other two are for my Frigate(which is still very much needing work).
The next picture shows the assembled mast and fighting top. I have glued and painted the top and mast were needed and added the last pieces of wood on. These pieces will be used to hold parts of the rigging in the right places.
The last picture just shows the mast in its spot before I finally places it. I never used any glue to attach it to the model. The rigging will eventually hold it in place!!
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