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Age of Sigmar 2.0

Age of Sigmar 2.0

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Amanda's Sequitor...

Tutoring 1
Skill 7
Idea 3

After assembling and priming two armies, @ajhawes finally get to paint a miniature. Here is some WIP on one of her Sequitors.

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Amanda HawesGeorge Sealy Recent comment authors
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This is the first time in about three years I have painted a model to such length. The last time was an Orboros army for Hordes. was 100% sure I wanted gold armour and for a very longtime was convinced I would go with purple cloth. However, after playing around with some samples (thanks to Louis for the loan of a selection of paints) I actually decided that the red was ever so slightly better against the gold. The other deciding factor was that I was aware there is already a canon Stormhost with gold/purple theme (Lions of Sigmar) and… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

The red colour looks great, especially as a slightly darker / muted red. I quite like the silver highlights on the gold, but I guess it depends on the kind of gold you’re aiming for.

I’m somewhat jealous of the speed you guys are getting these painted.


I’ve only managed the one model so far. With work and other hobbies its difficult to sit down for a decent painting session. I did manage to base, wash and dry brush the gold of 5 other sequitors at the weekend though.

Now the colour scheme is down it’s much easier to get a production line going!

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