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Age of Sigmar 2.0

Age of Sigmar 2.0

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To the sunshine!

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Skill 3
Idea 2
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Speaking for myself, I’m not one for going out in the sunshine. But it is convenient when you are spray priming.

Nighthaunts waiting for be primed in whiteNighthaunts waiting for be primed in white
Nighthaunt primedNighthaunt primed
Stormcast primedStormcast primed
Closer look at that retribution armour spray effect...Closer look at that retribution armour spray effect...

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Amanda Hawes Recent comment authors
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I have only great things to say about the Retributor Armour Primer spray. The finish I got on the Stormcast was exceptional after two light passes and a third for the underneath of models. The paint laid extremely well against the models and there were no problems with pooling. There was one place I had to dab at because I’d sprayed a little too close to the model and it drenched some fine chainmail work but the paint came off easily enough while still wet. The finish was so smooth – I don’t think I really have words to describe… Read more »

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