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No one expects the Inquistion!  : An Inquisitorial Knights Army..

No one expects the Inquistion! : An Inquisitorial Knights Army..

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The Ducal Household joins up.

Tutoring 0
Skill 6
Idea 4
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Now that the newer Knights are out, I can’t help but see a Freeblade household signing on to assist and support the Inquisitors as they cleanse Heresy from the universe.

The first of these models just /had/ to be the Dominus Class Castellan, the “Amethyst Duke.”  I dunno. I think it’s too clean.  I’m somewhat content with the dust and grime effects, but I intentionally did not chip and ding up the armor.  The jury’s still out on that.

Along with that are two squires driving Warglaives.  I did play around even more with the stance of the one Warglaive, trying to give it a more dynamic, charging pose.  It took quite a bit of fiddling with the kit, but a bit of greenstuff and clever positioning worked.  I can see this force growing into a larger collection of sworn members of the House as time and building options present themselves.

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