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Cypher2009 on Chain of Command (15mm)

Cypher2009 on Chain of Command (15mm)

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Test Minis

Tutoring 4
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Test scheme for BritishTest scheme for British

Bases: Dryad Bark (GW), then Stirling Mud texture paint (GW) then Tyrant Skull dry paint (GW).

Infantry Uniform: Primed German Grey (Vallejo), English Uniform (Vallejo), Agrax Eartshade (GW), highlight with English Uniform.

Webbing, gaters and bags: Green Grey (Vallejo), Athonian Camoshade (GW) at the moment, no highlight colour, but may highlight.

Gas Cape (Small roll on some infantry): Olive Grey (Vallejo).

Flesh: Bugman’s Glow (GW), Reikland Fleshshade (GW) (Will add some highlights to this).

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