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Reply To: Hobby Weekender – Something musically different 23/06/18

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender – Something musically different 23/06/18 Reply To: Hobby Weekender – Something musically different 23/06/18


Cult of Games Member


As you said, guitar practice on Friday. Quite a lot of music exams are broken down into grades, so if you are studying almost any instrument or music theory, you will study grades 1 – 8 (certainly this method is common in the UK, I think a lot of the rest of the world as well). They introduced a grade 0 as well, to kind of help people getting started. There are a few different exam bodies and within an instrument their might multiple styles (So for the guitar you might choose, acoustic, electric or rock for example). Mostly it’s kids who have done it as extra study alongside school (I did classical guitar in school, but never took it very far). So now I am doing RGT Rock Guitar, have been for a few years. To put it in perspective, I am in my mid-thirties, and usually, there will be like a 14 year-old in the same exam group doing the grade above me!

If you care to see how bad I am, here is me a couple of weeks before my exam practising a simplified rendition of the Guns and Roses classic “Sweet Child O’Mine”, the intro goes on forever…

My dog is a Keeshond, her name is Tammy, she is 3 years old, here is a picture of her.


They are known also known as Dutch barge dogs. Not super common in the UK, they are from the Spitz family and recognised by the Kennel Club both in the UK and the US. She is a registered pedigree from an assured breeding program. I am a bit mixed on the whole pedigree system, on the one hand, it does do a lot to make sure dogs are bred in good conditions (proper homes, limited litters for the mother, breeding above a certain age and with certain breaks between litters). It also does a lot to promote proper care and health for dogs. On the other, it also can foster certain irrelevant aesthetic ideals and sometimes unpleasant and irrational views of non-pedigree dogs.

The Frap was 280 calories before I added the caramel drizzle, so not healthy.

The WoK Goritsi vs Nasier stuff, current progress (and pics of the finish Goritsi) can all be seen on the project here…

The Battle Of Ravenwood

As for Deneb, it’s going well, latest progress also recorded in a project here…


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