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Terrain Challenge: Manda's (Amachan) Happy Radiation Pond

Terrain Challenge: Manda's (Amachan) Happy Radiation Pond

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The Plan.

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Idea 18
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I’m planning on making a pond with a rock on the side and a radiation warning sign next to the pond. It will also include a miniature overlooking the pond and some barrels in the pond. My inspiration is from some of the terrain features found in Fallout 3.

Some Screenshots for Inspiration:

Now the miniature overlooking the pond I want to put on a rock behind it and I have decided to go Ms. Lovely Day from Crooked Dice. I will have to order the mini for this, but it seems like an appropriate miniature for this kind of scenery. Now the miniature is not the main part of this, but rather something to just add a bit of cinematic effect to it. But how could I not include a miniature, I love miniatures.

These pictures are from the Crooked Dice webpage.

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