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Battle Arena

Battle Arena

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Tutoring 4
Skill 2
Idea 4

So tonight I started my battle arena, the board was lying around begging to be used and I folded lol and i thought i would share the journey.

I started by drawing a circle 44cm in diameter (just so it will fit the board that i had). this was then sectioned into quarters, eighths and so on till their were enough points that it would suit a post and rope fence.

I've used some 6mm dowel for the fence posts. i decided that the length of the posts can be anywhere from 30mm to 35mm.I've used some 6mm dowel for the fence posts. i decided that the length of the posts can be anywhere from 30mm to 35mm.

Note to anyone who has to drill or cut MDF wear a dust mask and put on some goggles the dust is killer.

29 posts cut and drilled ready for gluing. 29 posts cut and drilled ready for gluing. 

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Cult of Games Member

An arena is such a classic D&D trope, it’s wonderful to see the actual setting get so much attention. I look forward to seeing the completed project.

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