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Painting - WWX Union Force Expansion One

Painting - WWX Union Force Expansion One

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Time To Think About Expanding My Forces

Tutoring 5
Skill 3
Idea 11
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So as I close in on the end of this project I’m starting to think what might be a cool adition to the force, currently there are four things that are catching my eye.


Time To Think About Expanding My Forces

My first choice is Willa Shaw for two reasons, one she’s a really cool miniature, and two having a second Boss unit that i can also use as a face is a good way to look at adding more fire Power and Fortune to a force that runs a little light on that resource.

Time To Think About Expanding My Forces

The second unit that i think might be a nice adaiton would be a unit of three Iron Horse Cavalry, again they are really cool minis and would add some serious firepower to my forces.

Time To Think About Expanding My Forces

Third would be the Skirmishers and Riflemen box, sometimes you just can beat getting boots on the ground, they’ll offer a good mix Hands that i can use for objective games or do what i always do and run them into the nearest building to bunker down and become a pain for my opponent.

Time To Think About Expanding My Forces

Ok ok… I know I wont be able to use it in my games till I have pretty much everything else I’ve shown here built, painted and based, but lets be honest…

It’s a friggin tank!

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Cult of Games Member

The mounted Willa Shaw riding into battle alongside a unit of Iron Horses is a cool image for the tabletop. No idea if that is either legal or wise in a mechanical gameplay sense, but it would be cool!

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