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Subedai's Fantastical Fighting Forces

Subedai's Fantastical Fighting Forces

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Welcome to Mordgrave

Tutoring 0
Skill 8
Idea 7

This week will see me dusting off my copy of Frostgrave to finally have a game. A mate and I are planning on getting a campaign going, hopefully recruiting along the way.

Rather than setting the story in Felstad, we’ll be drawing on the background of the Old World however, so it is more akin to Mordheim with wizards and various fantasy races. As gangs, I am therefore drawing on my existing Warhammer Fantasy Battle armies without having to paint everything from scratch. For the first gaming session I put together Night Goblins, Dwarfs and Undead, only needing to finish painting a shaman and warrior of their respective armies which had been long overdue anyway.

Old enemies clashOld enemies clash

While there are no different racial characteristics and stats in Frostgrave, I selected the war bands to reflect some of their archetypes. The Dwarfs are fewer in numbers but with better equipment and stats due to their troop types.

Enchanter, Apprentice, Marksman, Knight, Man-at-Arms and ThugEnchanter, Apprentice, Marksman, Knight, Man-at-Arms and Thug

For the Night Goblins I am mainly using the Kev Adams sculpts by Knightmare Miniatures, reinforced by some Citadel figures from my Warhammer Fantasy Battle army.

Witch, Apprentice, Infantryman, Man-at-Arms, War Hound, Archers and ThugsWitch, Apprentice, Infantryman, Man-at-Arms, War Hound, Archers and Thugs

The Undead are raised from my Warhammer 3rd Edition forces, with zombies representing thugs and skeletons other troop types.

Necromancer, Apprentice, Men-at-Arms, Infantrymen and ThugsNecromancer, Apprentice, Men-at-Arms, Infantrymen and Thugs

How these work as gangs in Frostgrave, we’ll find out. A drawback of using “soldiers” from other armies is the lack of figures representing certain character classes like thieves, but with a bit of artistic licence and kit bashing I could add them where needed. In any case I would want to stick with classes to fit a certain fantasy race, and where that is the case, miniatures will also be easier to find.

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SubedaiangelicdespotMotion In Poetry Recent comment authors
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love the Night Goblins 🙂 and great paint job on the Squig 🙂

Cult of Games Member

They all look amazing! The game looks good fun and the miniatures look fantastic!

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