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Cthulhu Wars Sleeper expansion

Cthulhu Wars Sleeper expansion

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While we're waiting...

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Since the rest of the project is stalled until I get some more Strong Tone wash (my local store was out so I had to resort to mail-order), I decided to paint a couple of the game’s independent Great Old Ones: Father Dagon and Mother Hydra.

While we're waiting...
While we're waiting...

For these I wanted to try something a little different, rather than the standard primer-detail-wash approach. I started with black primer, then dark versions of the basic colors: grey and red for Dagon and two shades of greyish-green for Hydra. I followed this up with a quick drybrush in a lighter shade of each color.

I’m pretty pleased with the results, and it was quite a bit faster without waiting for a wash to dry. Unfortunately I find that drybrushing is really hard on my brushes – the brush I used for these two is pretty much shot now.

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