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Cthulhu Wars Sleeper expansion

Cthulhu Wars Sleeper expansion

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Cultists and other horrors

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Skill 3
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Cthulhu Wars has tons of cultist minis (each of the 8-and-counting factions has 6). I’m getting a little tired of painting them, but I’ve established a basic pattern to make it go a little easier: robes in either black or white, ivory for the mask (barely visible under the hood), brown book with ivory pages, and accents such as hood trim, belts, wrist bands, and bookmarks in the faction color (in this case, orange.

Since these were already primed in brown I decided to have the robes be brown with orange accents.

Cultists and other horrors

Sadly, I’ve now run out of Strong Tone wash (Tsathoggua had a lot of surface area to cover) so I’ve now got a crowd of base-colored monsters impatiently waiting their finishing touches.

Cultists and other horrors

The Formless Spawn in the back row really needed to be all-orange – in the brown primer they looked exactly like a dog’s business…

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