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AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

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White Lion

Tutoring 11
Skill 16
Idea 5
White Lion - frontWhite Lion - front
White Lion - backWhite Lion - back

The lion’s been painted using mostly GW paints. I will note, if another brand has been used.

Fur: Rakarth Flesh, Rakarth Flesh + Flayed One Flesh + White, Light Tone (Army Painter – it’s the darker areas on the legs).
Mane: Karak Stone, Light Tone (Army Painter), Karak Stone + White
Mouth: Bugman’s Glow, Agrax Earthshade, Bugman’s Glow + White
Teeth: Ushabti Bone, Agrax Earthshade (watred down), Ushabti Bone + White, White
Claws, Nose, Eyes: Rhinox Hide + Karak Stone + White

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Cult of Games Member

I love the sand texture on the base! 😀

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