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Project Blog by Dieguetestudio

Recommendations: 6

About the Project

Hi guys, Some time ago I had seen some of Celestial's figures, but when they showed me the figure of X'hydral I had not hesitation in choosing it. One of the reasons why I chose this figure is because of the amount of possibilities of painting that it offers me, I love monsters, they never have limitations of color, effects, environments, ..., maybe this was the most important reason. The other reason is that I am passionate about challenges, painting a figure with so many elements, so complex and with so little time, it´s a big challenge jejejeje??. For me it was not enough to paint the figure, I always like to tell a story. After reading the history of the Celestials, ideas began to emerge in my head. I started working on the color and the composition of the scene. Normally my painting is very dark, but this time I wanted to give it a lot of color and clarity without losing my style, trying to do something different. After to see the illustration with the design of X'hydral (I loved it), it had just what I was looking for, color, luminosity and a dark environment, I felt compelled to do something different. I decided then to work in a color palette completely different from the one I usually work with, in which of course I could not miss the fluorescente color. I'm collecting all the color sketches and designs that I made of the figure before I started painting. I usually work a lot on these things before I take the brush, until the final idea is clear in my head. I do not think about how I'm going to get to the end, but yes what I want to have at the end of the road. I do not like to plan the whole process, knowing where I want to go without having to limit myself to what I have planned makes it more creative, being able to modify the colors to get a better result. I have really enjoyed this project. And seeing the work of the rest of the participants, I think they have also enjoyed their projects. Everyone has done a great job. Congratulation ????. Thanks for your time and I hope you like it ?? I apologize for my English ??? Regards.

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