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Calling it a Knight

Calling it a Knight

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Stage 1 A knightly Throne

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 5
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By that I mean the bases, Usually for me that is left as an afterthought after I have finished painting the Mini, but with these bad boys , figured I’d get grubby I finger prints all over the nicely painted livery if tried that.

I could have just done a base sand base to match the Hexon Terrain I flocked many years ago, or did I base them to match the Urban Terrain and new Club purchased Deep Cut Studios Mat brought at Games Expo (yes spotted by Eagle eyed Justin).




The decision had to be amended by the maxim ‘Wot I had got in the box’.

After a bit of rummaging found two tubs of Antenocitus Worshop Cork Ruins, Army Painter Battlefield Rocks and a tub of Resin Ruin bits from an unknown source on ebay.

With what I found I decided to do a compromise, bits of ruins and detritus, with bits of the desert encroaching.


Stage 1 A knightly Throne

I Put down a liberal layer of Thick Super Glue on the bases in places, then placed appropriate big bits of cork ruin in random areas on glued areas.

Then placed and sprinkled the Resin bits in gap and then finally sprinkled on the Battlefield rocks over the top and let it set for a bit.

To finish off I added some unused fuel tanks from finished Dust kits and spare weapon from the Mars Attack Robot for dramatic effect

I have now Sprayed them with GW Leadbelter, Not that normally would photo that as dont think anyone needs to watch paint dry, but the picture is more about the turntable underneath, Built by my Father before He died, not sure what he intended it for, and it has a rather novel turntable device, found it when clearing his work garage when he went into care.

Stage 1 A knightly Throne

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