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Looted Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

Looted Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

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Day 6 Build Complete

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Skill 5
Idea 4
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Ok then ladies and gentlemen I’ve decided to call it a day for the build now. I could go on adding gubbins forever but if I do that I will never get round to painting it. So it’s time for it to head off to the paint shop for a lick of paint. That might take a while as the more I look at it the more I keep finding to paint but to give you and idea of what I’m looking at doing is going for a red and blue (fast and lucky) colour scheme that will fit in with my existing orks. The original redemptor parts will be blue, as to my orky mind that was the original colour of the dread the grots disabled so they could create this creation. The red is just because I like it and I want it to go faster.

I plan to keep updating the project with the painting as I go along and will probably try to get an update out each day, assuming I make any progress.

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this just keeps looking better and better 🙂

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