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Martlev's Sylvaneth Army

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Project Entry by martlev

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And so it begins!

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This last weekend I went along to Element Games in Stockport for a bring and buy sale. Having managed to get rid of some unused models, I went and got the first few models for the Sylvaneth army.

The boxes I bought. Start collecting Sylveneth and Kurnoth HntersThe boxes I bought. Start collecting Sylveneth and Kurnoth Hnters

I decided to go with the Start Collecting set as its just such great value, the big model alone is most of the cost of the box on its own. I then went for the Kurnoth Hunters so I could have something with some range in my army.

Next up is glueing together the Dryads from the Start Collecting and then I will be painting them before moving on to anything else. In the past, I have glued entire armies together, got overwhelmed and never finished them.

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davehawes Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very cool looking army, also seems like they play pretty nicely on the table too. The Wild Wood rules I think are very thematic.

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