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Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

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Awash in dungeon tiles

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 1
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After the base coats have dried completely they need a good wash to bring out their details. I went with straight Agrax Earthshade for my test pieces which worked fine but lacked some variety. The pieces I completed using my “travel kit” were done with Reaper paints and Army Painter Washes (Dark Tone mixed with Mid Brown).  My latest were all washed with Agrax Earthshade and Seraphim Sepia not mixed so much as poured one atop the other. As the well in my palette empties I refill it randomly so it is rarely the same twice.

Awash in dungeon tiles
Everything gets darker, well it is underground after all.Everything gets darker, well it is underground after all.
Awash in dungeon tiles
Awash in dungeon tiles
Such nice texture and detail that these look done already though I plan to add a highlight layer next.Such nice texture and detail that these look done already though I plan to add a highlight layer next.

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