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Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

Painting my Secret Weapon Dungeon Tiles

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Some Floors

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 0
Seems a good idea to start at the bottom and work my way up. With that thought in mind I began with the floor pieces from one of the Starter Sets.Seems a good idea to start at the bottom and work my way up. With that thought in mind I began with the floor pieces from one of the Starter Sets.
Using a wet palette loaded with earth tones I wet blended base coats, washed with Agrax Earthshade, and drybrushed with my starting palette.Using a wet palette loaded with earth tones I wet blended base coats, washed with Agrax Earthshade, and drybrushed with my starting palette.
Army Painter Satin Seal is just a bit shiny for my tastes so I will be sticking to Games Workshop's Purity SealArmy Painter Satin Seal is just a bit shiny for my tastes so I will be sticking to Games Workshop's Purity Seal

I’ve decided to paint one of each set to begin with, saving the Orc and Troll warrens for last.  While I was waiting for parts of the first Starter Set to dry I washed down a Mine Tracks, Mine Tracks Walls, and a Bridges set.  I also scrubbed down all of the stairs sets as they are small and seem quick to finish.

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Cult of Games Member

These look great. Can’t wait to see more. What kind of material are these bits made of?

Cult of Games Member

Looks like an amazing set, I look forward to seeing them complete and laid out together. Did you find it fairly quick once you got going to kind of batch paint the tiles?

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