The Walking Dead - A tale of boot camps and laughter
Speed painted at Salute 2018
I painted a walker at the Mantic Games painting stand at Salute. It was late in my visit that day, but I had already picked up a couple of expansions so with the game fresh in my mind (and my feet sore) i decided it would be rude just to pick up a primed model and walk off without getting a brush wet.
Spent about 40 minutes on it at the time getting the basic colours down a touch of wash.
Spent another half hour on this guy once home and happy with how he came out.
The red paint i used at the event looked like dry blood and the “blood for the blood god” paint i used at home looked like fresh blood. The contrast came out well.
Painting the paving stones and the scraping behind his dragged foot was fun free hand.
Could have spent a bit more grossing up the skin, but can’t spend all day on minis that get splatted every two minutes I guess. 🙂
nice speed paint 🙂 all the finishing touches really brought it to the next level 😉