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Yet more play-testing...

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 7
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So whilst focussing on all the art and mini’s is great, we are continuing to playtest the game. It’s a funny thing when you’ve been playing a game a lot. I kind of realised we had gotten to the point where we were playing the game from memory and the cards, and not really looking things up. This is a good thing, but it also means there is a danger that we’re playing and going “oh yeah, we always play that rule like that”, and that isn’t what’s written. Alex did some great work on rule-edits, and a few other tweaks have gone in over the other play-testing, so good time for a different kind of play-test.

Played a game today with a full 5v5 all the models in the starter-set game. Actually nice to have prototypes here for all but two of the models, and 99% cards and tokens from a proper prototype print of the starter set. Making sure to read the rules in the book and on-card before taking each action. The goal being that someone else who reads the rules should actually play the same as we have been when playtesting!



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