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LordofUzkulak’s fanfics

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[WHFB] The Unbreaking Cycle (fragment)

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“…And thus again did it come to pass that the world did burn,
Screaming and staunchly defiant to the end,
But such brazen demands were futile for,
Entropy brings even the greatest low.
Fiery embers flickered out and ashes grew cold,
Last follies lost amidst uncaring stars.

[fragment missing]

‘…As surely as life beget death, does not too death beget life?’
Sternly and stoically did the great drake set about its task,
Labouring slowly lest carelessness undo its creation;
Tirelessly labouring ’til at last the world were forged anew,
Again ’twas arisen from the flames,
For all this has happened before, and all this shall happen again.”

– only surviving fragment from an apocryphal Dawi-Zharr creation myth said to have been found inscribed blood on an iron tablet discovered below Daemon’s Stump.  Much of the text is damaged where the tablet has been melted by warpfyre after a daemonic incursion below the Stump centuries ago.

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