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Looted Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

Looted Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought

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Ok then I’ve not really posted much up until now but in an effort to embrace the new and updated site I thought I would take a few pics and share what I’m working on. I haven’t played 40k in an age but a few friends are getting back into it and with the new Ork codex on the horizon I thought it was time to give a bit of love to my green skins. Although in this case there won’t be much skin and it should end up being red and blue so that it’s fast and lucky.

I’ve had the idea for this for some time now as I really like the look of the Primaris Contemptor dread but I can’t bring myself to paint marines at the moment. So why not loot it. The plan is to keep the basic form but give it a couple of weapons on each are so that it works with the current rules. It also needs to have lots of armour so that it can soak up any damage and keep going. Beyond that I’m making it up as I go along.

It was only when I was watching the Weekender this morning that I decided to add the project to the site so the pictures start part way through but I’d only built one arm at that time so it should cover most of the build. The magnetised bits are mainly there to make it easier to paint and will probably get glued in place once everything is finished.

So here we have the first pictures with the gun arm just about finished and some additional plates added to the body.


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I love Ork conversions. This is on the way to being a top notch kitbash!

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