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Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

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Modified Jump Walker for My Son

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 7
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So, my son decided for his K47 army that he wanted to play British Airborne. He got a plastic Airborne kit, as well as the K47 Brit starter.

He loves the Automated Infantry and the Cromwell, but would prefer a jump walker over the current Guardian.

To the bitz-box I go.

See pics below. I combed together a rather simple jump pack. 

1) I cut off the small turbine at the back of the guardian, and didn’t attach the HMG

2) I trimmed the muzzle off an extra GW Imperial Knight Thermal lance a friend had sitting around. This took a bit of careful cutting and sanding to get it to fit right on the back of the walker.

3) in my bitz box diving I found these great wings from an old Space Marine kit. Not only were they thematic, matching the Pegasus wings of the British Airborne Logo, but the also hid most of the rough join between the two models.

Overall, I think it makes for a cool Jackal that almost looks like it was field modified with a jump kit.

Modified Jump Walker for My Son

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Cult of Games Member

Cool little conversion, and very on-theme.

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